Thursday, July 1, 2010

getting started

There was a time when I couldn't imagine my life without writing. And then one day I stopped and couldn't start again. It's been over three years since that happened. A lot has changed since then, but what is it they say? "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Well my life may have changed, but I'm still the same girl in so many ways. A self-proclaimed drama queen in recovery. Always running late. A little too self conscious. A little too loud. A little too blunt. Trusts a little too fast, loves a little too hard, & gets hurt a little too easily. Holds a grudge like nobody's business. Has the best of intentions, but feels like she sometimes gets the worst results. Full of big dreams & big fears. And maybe somewhere in there is still the girl who used to love nothing in the world so much as seeing her thoughts come out on paper in a way that made just a little bit of sense to someone else out there in the world... maybe with a little work I can get her back. I'll introduce her to the girl I am now, the person I'm becoming, and see if they can learn to get along...

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