Tuesday, July 6, 2010

all hail the queen of screw ups

I'm just owning the title from now. It's even in the bio. I have the best of intentions, but I also have a temper and a big mouth. Took steps tonight to repair things with someone and I actually got results versus having it thrown back in my face. The best part? She took a share of the blame and made the effort to seek me out and say what she needed to as well, rather than letting me just drown in my guilt complex and apologize until I was blue in the face like so many people in my life.

People I love & care about, could you please take a cue from this person in how you treat me? She's only a step above a complete stranger to me, someone I've said hi to in passing, and she's showing more consideration for my feelings than some of you are right now.

Thanks, CoatCheck Girl, for the reassurance my faith in people is not always completely misplaced.

1 comment:

  1. Back at'cha, lady!
    One thing that disturbs me about your post, though...
    This whole guilt thing...What are you--Catholic? I never saw much use for it, myself.
    You own what's yours (I don't even know you and I've seen that you do it), and you're not responsible for the rest. You can't *make* anybody feel any way.
    The guilty brow-beating thing...you're doing that one to yourself.
    Stop it.
    So many fun things you could put your energy towards again.
    Like writing, for instance :-)

    Let's drop this whole "Queen of Screw Ups" thing, eh? Otherwise I'm gonna have to get you a penitent's robe for Christmas...and I hear they're just SO unflattering!
